Therapeutic nutrition for exotic pets
2019 has given rise to HE’VN (Holistic Exotic Veterinary Nutrition), our collaborative project on Therapeutic Nutrition with exotics vet, Dr Krissy Green, an RCVS recognised Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine. The regulation of diet has been successfully used to support exotic patients with medical conditions. This is Therapeutic nutrition: the deliberate modification of a patient’s usual diet to supplement the medical or surgical treatment of an illness or disease. Therapeutic nutrition can be useful in disease management to promote a greater resistance to a specific condition and to help prevent or reduce acute flare up episodes. It is not intended to be use in place of appropriate medication or veterinary attention.
HEV’N is a forage range formulated by Dr Krissy Green with help from Dr Reagan Carnwath from Herbalvet® Scotland, and has been beautifully produced by us at Hop to Forage®. HEVN has been formulated using plants safe for consumption not just for bunnies and other companion small mammals but by birds and herbivorous and omnivorous reptiles as well! At present they cover dietary support for Liver disease, Respiratory conditions, Gastrointestinal dysregulation and Stress with further mixes in the planning stages.
If you think your pet might benefit from specific nutritional support for a medical condition please discuss this with your vet. If you are a vet who feels a patient may benefit from support with one of our HE’VN mixes and would like to order it please get in touch with us at: Or for advice, information or enquiries please contact Dr. Krissy Green at